16 Jul
Crisis and Critique
Volume 11 / Issue 1, 16-07-2024
Edited by Edited by Agon Hamza & Frank Ruda
Introduction: The Nouveau Right
by Frank Ruda & Agon Hamza
Table of Contents
Senectus Mundi – Fascism Without Futurism: The Aging of The Western Population
by Franco Bifo Berardi
The New Right Machinery
by Andrea Cavalletti
Ziofascist Violence and the Nakba 2.0: Jouissance and Necrocapitalism in the Consolidation of extremist Messianic Zionist far-right Ideology
by Jamil Khader
Afterword to Transgression: Theses on Houellebecq
by Vincent Lloyd
What the Right Gets Right: Exceeding the Good
by Todd McGowan
Capital and Paradise: The Invention of Nature by the Nouveau Right
by Clara Ramas San Miguel
Familiarism. Archaic Futurism of Radical Conservatives and Latin-American Feminist Specters
by Natalia Romé
The “Nouveau Right” in Italy: Notes on the Governance of Limitless Warfare
by Alessandro Russo
A Molecular Counter-Revolution: Psychic Crisis and Fascism from a Global South Standpoint
by Vladimir Safatle
Fascism ex nihilo
by Marcia Sa Cavalcante Schuback
Post-Fascism: Facism as Trans-Historical Concept
by Enzo Traverso
USA, Israel, France: How Democratic Institutions Become Trojan Horses for the Far Right
by Sophie Wahnich
A Return to the New and a Journey to the Old: Looking Backwards, Sideways, and Forwards at the Right from the Left in a World of Mirrors
by Benjamin Zachariah
Disavowal In Crisis: The Israeli Far Right and the End of Liberal Zionism
by Zahi Zalloua
The Hologram of Conflicting Universalities
by Slavoj Žižek
Interview with Alberto Toscano: The Fascism of Our Times
by Agon Hamza & Frank Ruda
Notes on Contributors
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