20 Dec
Crisis and Critique
Volume 11 / Issue 2, 20-12-2024
Edited by Edited by Agon Hamza & Frank Ruda
Introduction: Lenin – A Century After
by Frank Ruda & Agon Hamza
Table of Contents
Lenin and Hegel -- or Dialectics, National Liberation, and Revolution
by Kevin B. Anderson
Can Leninism Be Thought?
by Jason Barker
What Is To Be Built?: Lenin and Utopia
by Andrew Cole
Lenin and the immanent unconscious
by Saroj Giri
Lenin and the Demands of 1917
by Peter Hallward
Eloge of the Avantgarde
by Gunnar Hindrichs
Lenin Versus Anti-Lenin
by Paul Le Blanc
Lenin’s Philosophy of Language
by Jean-Jacques Lecercle
Lenin and the Image in Time
by Esther Leslie
Lenin Against Stalin: The National Question
by Michael Löwy
Lenin’s Realism
by Benjamin Noys
Lenin, Unfinished
by Alex Taek-Gwang Lee
Stormy Weather: Edwin Morgan’s Third Scottish International Lenin
by Heather H. Yeung
Interview with Lars T. Lih
by Agon Hamza & Frank Ruda
Rosa Luxemburg, Lenin and the Didactics or Marxism as Morality
by Ernst Bloch in conversation with Rainer Traub and Harald Wieser
Notes to contributors
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